Google just added two new fun Easter eggs to its search results.。 You can now play。 Solitaire。and 。 Tic-Tac-Toe 。minigames directly in Google's app and web search results.。 To access the new minigames, you just need to search for "Solitaire" or "TIc-Tac-Toe." Both searches will surface the games, which you can play directly in your browser or the Google app. 。 Thanks for signing up! 。 Google's take on
。Solitaire。 Credit: google。 Credit: google。The
。 game, on the other hand, has both single and two-player modes. Solo players can also choose the level of difficulty they want to play at (though, let's be honest, there's a decent chance that most games will end in a tie).。 Credit: Google 。appears to be a pretty basic version of the classic, though it could prove to be a good source of easy entertainment for those looking to kill a little time. Google even added its logo to the back of the cards -- just in case you forgot where you were actually playing.。