Ever dropped your phone while running on a treadmill? According to a recent Reddit post, it's actually possible for the treadmill to suck in an iPhone and spit it out on the other side, destroying it in the process. 。 The end result, however, is far more aesthetically pleasing than one would expect (see photo above). The gently curved shape, the uniformly shattered glass -- if it weren't a $500 casualty, it'd almost be pretty.
。 Dianna_2Ns, the Reddit user who posted the photo of the broken phone, said very little in terms of context, so take this story with a grain of salt. When asked by another user how it happened, her answer was "got caught under the belt & went all the way around..."
。 Thanks for signing up!。 Is that even possible? We're not sure, but one thing is certain: This iPhone won't work as intended anymore. 。 In other iPhone-destroying news, check out this video of a very angry man breaking several thousand dollar worth of iPhones at an Apple Store. Real classy acts do it on a treadmill, man. 。