Meet "Razana," a gigantic lizard ancestor with the teeth of a T. rex and the body of a crocodile.
。 The prehistoric beast -- formally named 。 Razanandrongobe sakalavae -- 。was likely a top predator in Madagascar about 170 million years ago, when dinosaurs also roamed the planet, a team of Italian and French paleontologists said Tuesday. 。 Razana had a massive jaw bone lined with enormous jagged teeth, which were similar in size and shape to those of a。 Razana had a massive jaw bone lined with enormous jagged teeth, which were similar in size and shape to those of a。Tyrannosaurus rex 。 , the scientists wrote in a study published July 4 in the journal。 PeerJ.。 An illustration of the head of Razana.Credit: Fabio Manucci。 By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。 Thanks for signing up!。 "Like these and other gigantic crocs from the [more recent] Cretaceous, Razana could outcompete even theropod dinosaurs at the top of the food chain," Cristiano Dal Sasso, the study's lead author and a researcher at the Natural History Museum of Milan, said in a statement.。 Paleontologists Cristiano Dal Sasso (right) and Simone Maganuco (left) exhibit some skull bones of Razana in Milan.Credit: Giovanni Bindellini。 The Madagascar fossils are thought to predate other forms of the Notosuchia by 42 million years, according to the study.。 "It represents a further signal that the Notosuchia originated in southern Gondwana," he said.。That suggests the teeth were sharp enough to slice through hard tissue such as bone and tendon.
Paleontologists said Razana appears to be by far the oldest and largest representative of a group of croc-like animals called Notosuchians. Little is known about the origin and early evolution of this group, and until now, these animals hadn't been known to exist during the Jurassic period.。
The Razana seems to have roamed the area when Madagascar, which is now an island, was separating from the giant landmass of southern continents known as Gondwana, Simone Maganuco, a co-author of the study, said in a statement.。
"It represents a further signal that the Notosuchia originated in southern Gondwana," he said.。