Just when you thought you’d seen it all, the Tinder name punning trend has sunk to an even deeper level of shame. 。 This one is really so bad that you almost have to give its creator credit. It comes from Redditor Cigzilla, who added, “Well, I thought it was clever.” CARD ID: 252058, CARD TYPE: Imgur
。 We’ll give you a second to stop groaning.。 Thanks for signing up!。 SEE ALSO:This guy's amazing Tinder profile is a PowerPoint sales pitch
。 At this point, making plays on people’s names is a truly tired way of starting a conversation. Who knows if that's why Shavin never replied... Womp, womp. 。 It may be tough to make chit chat when you only have limited info about someone, but honestly we’re going to have to up our game. 。 Featured Video For You 。
In the meantime, thoughts and prayers to all those girls named Alexa out there.。
In the meantime, thoughts and prayers to all those girls named Alexa out there.。