Literally, get off my lawn. As the Pokémon Gocraze continues, we've been given a glimpse into the future of augmented reality gaming, and it's pretty weird. While many are happy that Pokémon Gois actually getting gamers out of the house, others would prefer that they at least stay out of their yard. The game uses GPS and Google Maps in order to create an augmented reality in which players travel in the real world in order to find and catch Pokémon. Real-life locations and landmarks, such as a local church, double as locations in the game. The downside of this is that it can send anywhere from a few people to a stampede of people to a random place IRL, and some of those locations, unfortunately, happen to be people's homes. As seen in the potentially trolling note above, one person is not too pumped that people were trespassing on their property in order to play the game, so they compared it to a number of embarrassing past fads to put things into perspective. Unfortunately, Crystal Pepsi is making a comeback, so this person is going to have a very bad summer. While it's an exciting game for many, it's easy to understand how people could be upset if their home happens to be tagged as a PokéStop or a Gym. Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments. TopicsPokemonCredit: Poopanddoodle
Bonus: Swiss Chardmander makes a rare appearance
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