Last year at Comic-Con, Marvel Studios officially announced Brie Larson as the star of。 Captain Marvel。. They're still not even shooting yet, bu this year at Comic-Con, Marvel Studios dropped a few more juicy details.
。 As has been rumored, Nick Fury will appear in。 Captain Marvel。. What we
。 didn't。expect was what Kevin Feige said next. "In this film, Nick Fury has two eyes," he said. "Because this film takes place before the events of。 Iron Man 1 。. It's set in the early 1990s."。 And that's not even the most surprising bomb that Feige dropped during the Comic-Con panel. He additionally announced that the villains of
。 Captain Marvel。will be the Skrulls.。 Thanks for signing up!。 Up until now, many fans had assumed that 20th Century Fox had the rights to the Skrulls -- they're known for battling the Fantastic Four, the rights to whom are over at Fox.。 We know, we know: all this new info just raises still more questions. Unfortunately, it's probably gonna be a while before we get answers. 。Captain Marvel。 Featured Video For You。This film takes place ... in the early 1990s。
Captain Marvel 。
is in theaters March 9, 2019.