Trump is going to become the next president of the United States, and we're all wondering what that will look like. Welp, r/photoshopbattle has stepped up to the plate and put together some thrilling predictions of decorative changes made to the White House when Trump moves in. Lots of shine, gold, cash and a fire, which doesn't sound entirely inaccurate. Here is the White House, before Trump becomes president: And here are the many different imagined versions of the White House after Trump becomes president. Brace yourselves: Credit: psbattle:Thewhitehouse/reddit
NSFW White House
Credit: rilsoe/reddit
The White House with a lawn made out of money
Credit: akgoal/reddit
A golden-haired White House
Credit: ethanwc/reddit
With amber waves of Trump
Credit: lavallamp/reddit
A White House with sparkling golden towers
Credit: funny-lookin-stain/reddit
When Idiocracy becomes reality
Credit: jebsticles/reddit
Underwater White House
Credit: mcpansen/youtube
The White House with a spray tan
Credit: whatsiteverwas/youtube
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