Whatever your interests may have been in the third grade, it probably didn't involve cardboard cutouts. 。 Irene Liiao of Manhasset, New York, shared her third grade obsession with basketball legend Michael Jordan on twitter yesterday. Apparently, the Chicago Bulls great meant a great deal to the young Liiao, but she couldn't spend all her time around the real deal. So she found a cardboard solution.。 She shared pictures of herself taking an enormous life-size Michael Jordan cutout everywhere she went.
。 Thanks for signing up!。 — irene (ireneliiao) September 19, 2016 。 Credit: ireneliiao/twitter。 Clearly there is a new standard for Michael Jordan fans.。 She calls this unique buddy system an 'obsession' and it'd be tough to argue with her.
Credit: ireneliiao/twitter。
Credit: ireneliiao/twitter
Credit: ireneliiao/twitter 。