Ted Cruz probably never imaged he would actually go to bat for Donald Trump, never mind pick up the phone like an intern on a street team. After being booed hard for not endorsing Trump at the Republican National Convention, the former Presidential candidate had a change of conscience recently when he finally endorsed Trump. While that in itself is pretty funny to conscience voters, pictures and videos of Cruz phone banking for Trump is downright hilarious. Naturally, a Photoshop battle of the photo ensued on Reddit.Credit: DunderMifflinPenPal/Reddit
Honestly, this rendition of Cruz as Milton from Office Space by Redditor i_am_a_bot_ama may be the best we've ever seen.
Credit: i_am_a_bot_ama/Reddit
Cruz was transformed into Kevin from The Office.
Credit: silentpandemonium/Reddit
A rare look at Ted Cruz's future career.
Credit: esotericnumeric/Reddit
And of course someone couldn't help but put Cruz in jail.
Credit: el_cipote/Reddit
Cruz definitely had his own phone line as a teen.
Credit: meekismurder/Reddit
As always, things got weird.
Credit: DizzyEllie/Reddit
No smile could fix his sad, sad eyes.
Credit: DocNMarty/Reddit
That grimace looked familiar.
Credit: workingat7/Reddit
Phone Booth was a very underrated film.
Credit: freddymungo/Reddit
Cruz is just pitching in everywhere.
Credit: ARock_Urock/Reddit
And of course, the meme mashing began.
Credit: DomNhyphy/Reddit
Honestly, Trump would probably love this.
Credit: Mahadragon/Reddit
Cryin' Ted.
Credit: jbenz/Reddit
And then things got real dark.
Credit: california-daze/Reddit
Bonus: Hamsters have entered Stranger Things' upside down