It's Fiona the hippo's first birthday. She did it! And she deserves a cake.
。 The baby hippo, born six weeks premature at the Cincinnati Zoo last January, has become a bonafide celebrity in her first year of life, making headlines with everything from her first steps to that time she crashed an engagement photo.。 But Fiona is more than a cute baby animal (although she is certainly queen of that category). She's a success story that wasn't always a sure thing. And her survival is the result of intuitive, amazing round-the-clock care from her keepers -- as well as some kind of Fiona-specific tenacity that she probably stores in her ears. 。 SEE ALSO:Fiona the hippo's best moments of 2017。 So on her first birthday, there's a lot to celebrate. The official party was last weekend, but Fiona obviously still got
。another 。 hippo-friendly birthday cake. Per。Food and Wine 。 , "hippo-friendly" means that it's made of fruit ice and covered in watermelon, honeydew, and Fiona's very first pineapple. Basically a huge popsicle! Hell yeah, Fiona! Hell yeah, Fiona!。 And, of course, the occasion was worthy of a Facebook Live.。 Is anyone else openly sobbing? I'm for sure not -- I just wanted to check on everyone else.。 Man plays peek-a-boo with a hippo。
Happy birthday, Queen Fiona. We love you.。
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