A tricky math equation turned out to be an intricate ploy for nudes.。 Joe McGill, a 24-year-old from Laurel, Maryland, had something a little different on his header photo on Twitter. While most people have sunset or skyline pics, McGill had a math equation. 。 "Y'all never gonna be able to solve the equation in my header. If you do better show your work," his bio reads. 。 Well, somebody finally solved the problem, and the answer was "send nudes," a popular meme that will show up when you least expect it, such as in a complex math problem.。 Tweet may have been deleted。 Twitter user cloutboyjojo from Chicago managed to solve the puzzle and show his work. He then tweeted the answer, which has since racked up more than 14,000 retweets.。 Tweet may have been deleted
。 Tweet may have been deleted
。 "Plenty of people have noticed my header before with the whole 'send nudes' jokes but they could never understand the equation," McGill said via DM. 。 McGill didn't give us an exact date, but claims that he's had his header up for some time now.。 "I did the problem along time ago. I've only took up to trigonometry in high school and I know this is far more advanced, but I seen[sic] this equation and decided to try it," McGill wrote. 。 CARD ID: 283701, CARD TYPE: Imgur。 CARD ID: 283701, CARD TYPE: Imgur。 Be careful what you ask for ..。 Of course they did. 。 SEE ALSO:Ariana Grande kneels on very tiny stool, becomes very big meme
SEE ALSO:Ariana Grande kneels on very tiny stool, becomes very big meme
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While McGill isn't the first person to circulate the problem, the reveal and call to action was still pretty hilarious.。
Since the tweet received so much attention, we asked McGill if anyone fulfilled his requests.
"Yes two men did. Not what I was expecting smh," he replied.。