There are Christmas decorations for all of us, we guess.
。 Company Modern Nativity has created a nativity set a little different from the one you used to play with at your grandmother's house. The "hipster nativity set" is a modern take on the nativity scene, filled with Segways, selfies, and Amazon Prime.
。 "This product started (as all good products do) at a happy hour with our friends," founder Casey Wright told。 "This product started (as all good products do) at a happy hour with our friends," founder Casey Wright told 。 Mashable
。 in an email. "After a few beers, we started joking about how religions would be different if their sacred texts were set in modern times."。 Hipster Nativity Set from Allison Baker on Vimeo. 。 After coming up with the reimagined scene together, the friends contracted an illustrator to mock it up. 。 Thanks for signing up!
。 Credit: modern nativity。 The hand-painted 7-inch polyresin figurines feature all of the classic nativity characters -- with a very modern twist.
。 The three wise men arrive to the solar-powered manger on Segways carrying Amazon Prime boxes, while man-bunned Joseph and latte-drinking Mary take a selfie with baby Jesus. 。 "We have quickly found out that this product is very polarizing," Wright said. "It’s usually, 'This is hilarious, I need one,' or 'This is sacrilegious, I hope you burn in hell,' and almost nothing in between those two extremes."。 Credit: modern nativity
。 "The product site was officially published six days ago and we’re currently selling roughly 500 sets a day" Wright revealed.。 It's definitely a conversation starter.。
For $129.99, this set could be yours, too.。
For $129.99, this set could be yours, too.。