Kenny G's hands are for one thing and one thing only: playing his super seductive, smooth jazz sax.。 On Saturday, the musician who is apparently still around and relevant tweeted this photo of him on his bike with the caption: "My hands are for one thing only: playing sax."。 Within seconds, a brief yet beautiful meme war began.
。 SEE ALSO:People are wasting their good tortillas on supermoon memes。 Here's the initial tweet for reference/your long-term memory.。 — Kenny G (kennyg) November 26, 2016。 Skilled tweeters then put their photoshop, captioning and *hands* to work.
。 — ë🐛 (LouisSouss) November 28, 2016
。 — Mary Emily O'Homo (MaryEmilyOHara) November 27, 2016 。 — NickVember ha ha (OneTrickTofani) November 26, 2016
。 — Christmas Dave (Captnn_Dave) November 28, 2016。 — Ollie Garch (ojedge) November 27, 2016。 — RESPECK ON IT... (Jeffy_Kavu) November 27, 2016 。 — Brandon Bird (Brandon_Bird) November 27, 2016。 Watch dogs try cat toys for the first time。
Kenny: Lemme see that club 。
There were obviously 15 zillion other memes making the obvious pun on sex/masturbation, but really, you can write those yourself.。
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