Some dogs just take the good life for granted.。 The more money humans spend on fancy dog beds, the more likely their dog will choose the hardwood floor as a resting place.。Thanks for signing up!
1. Sure, I guess this works.。
Credit: lacajadeldiablo/Reddit。
2. At least its tail is comfy.。
Credit: PM-MeYour___/RedditSEE ALSO:Watch this mastiff lovingly crush his owner at naptime 。
3. Close enough.。
Credit: BagelDealer/Reddit。
4. Not close at all.
Credit: Eselboxen/Reddit。
5. This is the face of regret.。
Credit: _zpec/Reddit。
6. This sweet pup puts its toys use the bed instead.。
Credit: robsarmuk/Reddit。
7. How can you even argue with that face?
Credit: Mamoswanky/Reddit
8. This can't be comfortable.。
Credit: bumbobo1/Reddit。
9. This definitely isn't comfortable.。
Credit: nanersammich/Reddit
10. Clearly this dog just hates its bed.。
Credit: WHAAAAAAAM/Reddit。
11. It's like a dog fort.
Credit: djscribblescrabble/REddit 。
12. Sorry, bud. You don't wear the bed.
Credit: articulateantagonist/Reddit。
13. This is a protest.
Credit: SilentWalrus92/Reddit。
14. Fuck your flowers.。
Credit: Ali052/Reddit 。
15. It's a party.。
Credit: Penguin120/Reddit。
Bonus: Stranger Things but with hamsters instead。