Thanks to AT&T, you may soon be able to build your own AI-powered app.。 The Acumos "AI Marketplace," launched with open-source nonprofit the Linux Foundation, is currently open for "initial access" to companies who pay a registration fee. The platform will be released to the public, for free, in early 2018. 。 Acumos will provide a platform through which developers can select AI capabilities (such as location tracking and facial recognition) and string them together to create apps. The interface will be easy to use, according to Mazin Gilbert, AT&T Labs' vice president of advanced technology.。 Thanks for signing up! 。 "The goal of Acumos is to lower the barrier to entry to AI and increase adoption and deployments of AI services," Gilbert told
。 Mashable.。 "The platform is designed to support a set of different users ranging from core machine learners who wish to tune and upload their favorite model to developers who would like to deploy AI services on third party cloud."。 SEE ALSO:These edible wrappers could help keep plastic out of the ocean 。 AT&T has been researching and utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning through AT&T Labs, its research and development division, for decades. The company uses AI for cybersecurity and customer service. 。 Featured Video For You
AT&T has also been heavily involved with open source initiatives in the past, such as the Open Network Automation Platform, which launched earlier this year. 。
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