Not everyone at Donald Trump rallies are in favor of the Republican candidate. 。 Anna Lehane, 18, traveled to a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, from Dallas on Monday wearing a homemade shirt that said "Grab my pussy. I dare you."。 The peaceful protester's shirt directly targets the leaked footage of Trump talking about "[Grabbing women] by the pussy." 。 Also at Trump rally: teenage protestors. Anna Lehane displays homemade shirt, says it was "civic duty" to speak out.。 — Laura McCrystal (LMcCrystal) October 10, 2016 。 Lehane told Laura McCrystal of the
。Philadelphia Inquirer。 By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 。 Thanks for signing up!。 fudge donald trump and his minions. they have been sent here to destroy us. vote 4 Hillary
。 — noah (trap_lawdd) October 11, 2016。 Noah also tweeted that he was asked to leave the rally (it's unclear by whom) for wearing his "Black Lives Matter" shirt.
。 got asked to leave for wearing a "black lives matter" shirt, but this guy can wear this with no problem。 — noah (trap_lawdd) October 11, 2016