Rogue One 。is about a group of rebel spies intent on putting a stop to the destructive plans of the fascist Galactic Empire.
。 For whatever reason, lots of people on the internet are bringing it up today.。 SEE ALSO:Catching up on 'Star Wars'? Here’s the only viewing order you need
。 Maybe it's just a coincidence, because
。Rogue One。 is coming out roughly one month from now, right? Or, you know, there could be something else that happened recently that's making people think of it. Who knows.。 — Abby Gleason (abbygleason) November 9, 2016。 — Chris Weitz (chrisweitz) November 9, 2016
。 — Chris Taylor (FutureBoy) November 9, 2016。 — Frank Conniff (FrankConniff) November 7, 2016
。 — Tylo Ren (TylerJavier) November 9, 2016
。 — Randall C Willis (createdbyrcw) November 9, 2016 。 — MiguelClarkMallet (mar_de_palabras) November 9, 2016
。 — Mark Ybarra (markmeadowz) November 9, 2016 。
One of the titles for #RogueOne that we kicked around in the room was Dark Times.。
Just realized!
This is all a publicity stunt for the movie #RogueOne!。